Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The purpose of the Children's Church Ministry is to provide a worship service for children 4 through 12 years of age. We endeavor to present scripture-based messages to the children using puppet shows, stories, drama, skits, and object lessons that are age appropriate. Our goal is to ensure the children became familiar with the Word of God and become disciples of Christ.

Sunday Mornings
1st Sunday's
Children's Worship
In-Person during 10:30AM Worship
In-Person during 10:30AM Worship
Every Sunday
Children's Sunday School
In-Person at 9:00AM
In-Person at 9:00AM
4th Sunday's
Children's Bible Study
In-Person during 10:30AM Worship
In-Person during 10:30AM Worship
Every Sunday
Children's Choir Rehearsal, immediately after 10:30AM Worship. Children sing every 4th Sunday.